Business and Economic Development

New Mexico Gas Company (NMGC) maintains 12,000 miles of natural gas pipelines and serves 550,000 commercial, industrial and residential customers across the state. NMGC’s service territory extends through 27 of New Mexico’s 33 counties. It has access to an abundant supply of natural gas from both the Permian Basin in the southeast and the San Juan Basin in the northwest parts of the state.

Our Business and Economic Development team has the experience and talent to develop solutions for companies new to the state or companies expanding across it.

We work closely with site selectors, business development organizations and company representatives to design and build infrastructure that will fit the growth and timeline needs of all types of industries.

Why New Mexico?

New Mexico’s affordable cost of living, competitive business climate and strategic location are just a few of the reasons companies and business are looking to blaze their next trail here.

For more information contact our Business and Economic Development team at: