Home Energy Reports

New Mexico Gas Company is offering a new educational tool to help our customers save energy and money throughout their homes.

Customized monthly Home Energy Reports are going out right now. These reports include information tailored to each customer's home and energy use over time. We hope this helps you learn more about your energy use and better understand how to save energy and money.

The reports provide an individualized household comparison of a customer's energy use versus energy consumption in comparable single-family homes.

The reports also show energy use patterns as they change throughout the year, which should help customers identify opportunities for energy savings. Examples include installation of high-efficiency furnaces or high-efficiency water heaters, upgraded insulation, water-saving showerheads and other easy-to make changes to improve comfort level and improve home efficiency.

If you have questions about these home reports or to learn more, please call 1-877-501-7835.

Click here to see a sample of a Home Energy Report.

Home Energy Report FAQs

What is the purpose of the Home Energy Reports Program?

The goal of this program is to provide you with detailed, personalized information about your energy use, along with easy tips and resources that can help you save energy and money on your gas bill.

Why was I selected to be a part of the program?

You are one of 200,000 New Mexico Gas Company customers randomly selected to receive Home Energy Reports. This is one of several energy efficiency programs designed to help our customers reduce use and save money. For more information, please visit the energy efficiency section of our website

How often will I receive this report?

You will receive this report monthly during the winter months, with a total of five reports to follow in the fall. If you wish to discontinue receiving these reports, there will be an unsubscribe option available.

If I have questions about my bill or need to make a change to my billing address/mailing address/name on account, who do I contact?

To make inquiries about your account, please contact our customer service center at 888-664-2726.

How did you choose the homes used in my similar home comparison?

To provide valid comparisons, we chose homes in the same area as yours that had similar characteristics, such as size, type and heating source. We only include homes that are occupied at the time of the comparison.

How do you determine the information about my home and how do I update it?

We determine information, such as square footage, heating type, structure type and age, based on publicly available records and your energy use data. On occasion, this information can be out of date or incomplete. You can update your home profile information by calling your Energy Advisor toll-free at 877-501-7835 or sending an email to NMGCHomeEnergyReport@icf.com.

How do homes similar to mine manage to use less energy than I do?

Energy-efficient households often use less energy by performing small, high-impact tasks, like adjusting thermostats and water heaters to efficient settings. Some customers also invest in new heating equipment and appliances, bringing big savings while also adding value to their homes. Your Home Energy Reports provide you with personalized tips that can help you become a more efficient household.

Can other customers see how much energy I am using?

No, the home comparison only takes the average energy use of similar homes in the area. Individual customers’ energy use information is never shared with anyone other than the account holder.

How did you determine the estimated savings on my report?

Savings estimates are drawn from reliable, third-party sources, such as the U.S. Department of Energy’s ENERGY STAR® program, the Environmental Protection Agency, the Energy Information Administration and the National Renewable Energy Laboratory.

What if there are good reasons why my household uses more energy compared to others?

Research indicates that our similar home average is a good indication of typical energy use. However, no estimate is perfect, and there are some factors that we may not account for. Even if your household has good reasons for using more energy than similar homes, there are still opportunities for you to reduce your usage and save money. Most people can achieve significant savings if they follow the personalized energy-saving tips on their report.

I’m already doing a lot to save energy. What else can I do?

That’s great! Thank you for all you’re doing. Every Home Energy Report offers different ways to save energy at home, so keep checking your reports for new ideas. There are also many online resources and energy-saving tips at nmgco.com/en/Energy_Conservation_Tips and nmgco.com/Energy_Efficiency.

Click the image above for a sample PDF of a Home Energy Report.