Native American Tax Exemption

Customers who are members of a Native American Pueblo, Tribe or Nation, or the spouse of a member, and are living on their Pueblo or reservation are eligible to be exempt from certain taxes and charges that may appear on their natural gas bills.
To apply for this exemption: Please fill out the Native American Exemption Form, available from the Public Regulation Commission or your local tribal government office. A copy may also be downloaded for printing by clicking here.
                                Please complete the form and mail it to:
                                New Mexico Gas Company, c/o Native American Tax Exemption
                                PO Box 97500 
                                Albuquerque, NM 87199-7500
Members of Santa Clara, Tesuque or Ohkay Owingeh Pueblos are asked to return the form to their Tribal Government office.

For questions or more information on Native American tax exemptions: Please contact your Tribal Government office or the New Mexico Public Regulation Commission at 1-888-4ASK-PRC.