Regulatory Information

Rules and Regulations

As a regulated utility, New Mexico Gas Company (NMGC) operates under rules and regulations set by the New Mexico Public Regulation Commission (NMPRC).

NMGC has adopted standard rates and rules to govern our relations with customers. These have been approved by the NMPRC.


Cases Before the New Mexico Public Regulation Commission

NMPRC Case No. 23-00255-UT: 2023 Rate Case

On September 14, 2023, New Mexico Gas Company submitted a request to the New Mexico Public Regulation Commission for a rate increase effective October 2024 to allow for recovery of planned investments by the Company, and for the recovery of increasing operating costs.

The Public Regulation Commission issued a Final Order approving the request on July 25, 2024. You can view the Final Order here.

The rates will change on October 1, a comparison between the prior and new rates can be found here. Customers can check their usage and determine estimated bill impacts by clicking here.

On March 1, 2024, NMGC and all of the intervening parties participating in the rate case hearing filed a proposed settlement of the case. A public hearing regarding the settlement agreement began on April 1 and a public comment hearing was held on May 16. 

The requested rate increase is related to the cost of upgrades and improvements to NMGC’s gas delivery infrastructure, including ongoing compliance with expanding pipeline safety and reliability regulations, replacement of the Company’s customer billing and account information system and increasing operating expenses.  

Notice to Customers

Notice Regarding May 16 Public Comment Hearing

For detailed information regarding NMGC’s request, the following documents are available:

All rate case documents including the complete witness testimonies with exhibits, NMPRC Case No. 23-00255-UT, are posted on the New Mexico Public Regulation Commission’s website.  You can request access to the docket at:

NMPRC Case No. 24-00203-UT: 2024 Integrated Resource Plan

Every four years, NMGC hosts a series of Integrated Resource Plan public advisory meetings throughout New Mexico. The first of these meetings for the current cycle was held on June 23, 2023, in Albuquerque. The second meeting, on December 14, 2023, was scheduled for Santa Fe but held online because of adverse winter weather. A meeting was held in Farmington on February 1, 2024, and additional meetings were held in Anthony on March 12, 2024, and in Roswell on March 13, 2024. 

We held these meetings to solicit public input, to gather feedback and to give our customers and stakeholders the opportunity to ask questions about our company plans. 

In May 2024, Western Resource Advocates filed a protest of NMGC's Integrated Resource Plan. That document can be viewed here. Subsequently, Coalition for Clean Affordable Energy joined the protest. CCAE's filing can be viewed here. The New Mexico Public Regulation Commission then concluded that a hearing is necessary to determine whether NMGC's Integrated Resource Plan complies with the requirements of New Mexico's natural gas utility IRP rule. 

As required by the NMPRC, the Integrated Resource Plan is a 10-year resource and system planning report developed with consideration from the public advisory meetings. These meetings and the subsequent plan provide information on load forecasts, evaluation of existing natural gas supply and customer demand, identification of resource options, examination of price volatility and general attributes of potential resources, as well as modeling and risk assumptions leading to the development of a cost-effective portfolio of gas utility resources. 

NMPRC Case No. 24-00222-UT: 2024 Purchased Gas Adjustment Clause

On June 11, 2024, New Mexico Gas Company submitted an application to continue the use of its Purchased Gas Adjustment Clause (PGAC). The PGAC is intended to ensure the stability of the utility's annual earnings consistent with the utility's duty to provide adequate service at reasonable rates. 

The New Mexico Public Regulation Commission will hold a public hearing in this case on October 18, 2024. Click here to view the full Notice of Proceeding and Hearing.

NMPRC Case No. 22-00309-UT: LNG Storage Facility

On December 16, 2022, New Mexico Gas Company filed its application with the New Mexico Public Regulation Commission requesting to issue a Certificate of Public Convenience and Necessity authorizing the construction and operation of a liquefied natural gas storage facility to be located in Rio Rancho, New Mexico. A public hearing on this matter was held January 8 to 11, 2024. The NMPRC's hearing examiner issued a recommended decision on February 21, 2024, that the LNG storage facility should not be approved. The hearing examiner's recommended decision can be viewed here. New Mexico Gas Company's exceptions are posted here. Responses from the intervening parties to NMGC's exceptions can be viewed here and here.

On March 14, 2024, the NMPRC issued a final order not to approve the Company's application. The final order can be viewed here.

Notice to Customers (pdf download)

For access to the entire New Mexico Gas Company LNG Storage Facility case, click here or visit:


Energy Efficiency Programs

NMGC offers a host of cost-effective energy efficiency programs approved by the NMPRC. The program year for these offerings begins on April 1 and ends on March 31 each year. Annually, we file with the PRC both a Measurement and Verification Report and an Energy Efficiency Program Annual Report.

2023-25 Energy Efficiency program plan

Prior-Year Energy Efficiency Reporting

2023 Annual Energy Efficiency/Measurement and Verification Report